Saturday, March 21, 2020

Bonus Poem: A Hymn for Online/at home Worship

This hymn is to be sung to Eternal Father, Strong to Save (The Navy Hymn). I borrowed a few words from William Whiting's words to that hymn, but other than that it's mine, and now yours to use freely.

Eternal Lord, Who Calmed the Waves

Scott L. Barton, 2020              John Bacchus Dykes, 1861

Eternal Lord, who calmed the waves,
We look to you this day to save;
Across the world, we live in fear
And yearn for when we might be clear
Of danger none with eyes can see,
That now has brought us to our knees.

To Lazarus, “Come out!” you called,
To those who cried, you’d not withhold 
A word to banish evil’s power—
So thus we cry to you this hour
To heal a world so ill at ease
From what has brought us to our knees.

O Lord, who lives to break down walls,
By meeting not, we’re all appalled,
And yearn for when, no longer bound,
Our friends and neighbors we’ll surround
With handshakes, hugs, again at ease,
When you will strengthen feeble knees.

O Trinity of love and power, 
All healers guard in danger’s hour;
Protect them as they treat and care
For all your people, here and there,
Thus praises e’er will rise to thee
From all who pray on bended knee.


  1. Thank you Scott Barton. As a Navy Chaplain this is one of my favorite tunes, these words are so fitting and well said. Thank you, God bless, and stay safe!

  2. This is a beautiful prayer and hymn, so acutely appropriate to this time. Thank you for sharing your great gifts of expression in poetry and song. Rev. Morag Thorne in Melbourne, Australia

  3. Thank you, Scott for the poems and this hymn! I will be using "Eternal Lord, Who Calmed the Waves" for today's Daily Prayer live video with members of Wayside Presbyterian Church.
    Peace be with you,
