Monday, August 29, 2022

Bonus Poem: A Conspicuous Pair

A Conspicuous Pair

A conspicuous pair
remain standing,
during the postlude,
after the final hymn and benediction.

We chat about the service—
our first step, during the marching music
meant to accompany us out
as the people of God.

For the pastor reminded us of this
in her final, literally, “good words,”
good words to tell us that we are,
like the bent-over woman, free—

Free from any obligations or conventions
That would stand in the way
of acting as followers of Jesus,
whose life was meant to heal.

“Get a move on!” is what I hear.

But my neighbor and I stand alone
as the congregation has sat
to listen to the postlude,
and then, as if at a concert, applaud.

“What is the point of a benediction?”
I want to shout.
But that would be too conspicuous.
Wouldn’t it?

Even if we’re just going
for lemonade outside,
Let us step with gladness,
since, by God, we are now freed!

Step lively, brothers and sisters!
Let Christ be your posture!
Show the world you are a new people;
march to your neighbor, march outside—

Let that be your performance!
Scott L. Barton

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